Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Week 1

Racism in the United Nations


The artwork depicts racism in politics in the United Nations. The artist uses great visuals that make the picture very powerful. For example, the background is very dark and makes it focus more on the theme. This piece of work shows the side effects of racism in other countries. The white foot is untouched and clear but the black foot has an allergic reaction all over it and it is dark and not as clear. On the black foot there is a label that says "Allergique au Racisme," meaning allergic to racism. The artist succeeded in making the label pop out at the viewer by using a bright red button on the dark skinned foot.

This piece is based on the topic of racism. In my earlier years, my brother had a friend who was black. We had nicknames for each other, I would call him poop head and he would call me peehead. I was little so saying things like that did not register in my mind. Now I realize that if I were to say something like that to someone who didn't know me, I could get in trouble because racist comments like that are taken serious.

This picture talks about the pain and struggle that colored people might have to deal with in politics. Racism in politics has been a world wide struggle. According to Eva G. T. Green, Cristian Staerkle, and David O. Sears on their artical titled, Symbolic Racism and Whites' Attitudes towards Punitive and Preventive Crime Policies, "If the perpetrator was Black, sentences was harsher than when the perpetrator was White. In capital cases, however, there is clear evidence that defindants whose victims are White face an enhanced risk of reveiving a death sentenced compared to defendanst whose victims are Black."

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